The submission form can be found after the following information.
I allow my items to be sold at the E.E. Lake Store during the 2024 Bluemont Fair. I agree to bring an itemized list of all goods (for example: 16 packets of 6 chocolate fudge candies – $ 6 each, 10 crispy rice treats – $ 2 each). I agree to deliver them between 7:30 am and 9:30 am on Saturday, September 21, 2024 and/or between 7:30 am and 9:30 am on Sunday, September 22, 2024. I agree to label each item with its contents/ingredients, price, and my Vendor number. Bakers will be assigned a Vendor number prior to the Fair.
Frozen items are NOT accepted.
Once my items are counted in, I understand I am responsible for arranging them on a counter at the store. I understand that I have the opportunity to have my $10 registration fee waived by volunteering at the store to assist purchasers at the sales counter for a 2-3 hour period during the Fair. Fair posters, tee shirts, mugs and other Fair merchandise will also be sold in the E.E. Lake Store.
I agree that, unless otherwise arranged, any of my items which are not sold must be picked up between 5:00 pm and 5:30 pm on Sunday, September 22, 2024. If they are not picked up, or other arrangements have not been made, then I waive any claim to those items and I understand they will be disposed of at the discretion of the Bake Sale Chairperson and/or volunteers.
I agree to pay the $10 registration fee, or to volunteer for a shift, and understand that either way I will get free admission into the Fair. I also agree that the Bluemont Fair will retain 20% of the proceeds of sales of my items and I will receive 80% of the proceeds of sales of my items.