Registration – Antiques and Flea Market

Before submitting an online application, please read the Antiques and Flea Market Information Sheet at this link. Once your application has been approved, you will receive an e-mail with instructions on submitting your payment.

  • Please complete your application here and submit it using the link below. (Or reach out to me using my email address below to request a paper copy.)
  • Upon approval of your application, I will contact you by email with an invoice and you can pay your $150 fee online or by mail.
  • Once your application is approved, you will need to provide us with a Certificate of Insurance (COI) showing proof of liability insurance. See the Vendor and Exhibitor Insurance page of our website for detailed instructions.
  • All approved businesses are required to provide their own canopy, table, chairs, etc. and to staff their booth continuously from 10 AM – 5 PM both Saturday and Sunday. Space size is approximately 12’ x 12’. You can purchase additional spaces if desired at the same rate.
  • We will supply you with four admission wristbands—two per day. If you need more, you may purchase them from me in advance.
  • The Bluemont Fair is rain or shine. In the case of extreme weather or pandemic events where safety may be an issue, the Fair administration reserves the right to cancel the Fair. If the Fair is canceled, application fees will be applied to the following year’s Fair unless otherwise arranged.

Applications are due by August 30, 2024. Please reach out to me with any questions!

Sandra Van Roekel, Antiques & Flea Market Chair
svanr_99 at