In 2002, we started the tradition of dedicating the Bluemont Fair to those people who were lost in the preceding year who had been significant in the running of Bluemont and our Fair. In later years we started adding a graphic to the Fair’s t-shirt to remind us of those we are honoring. The dedications are shown below, for each year that we had one.
2024 Fair Dedication
The 2024 Fair is dedicated to Rosemary Stanger (of Rosemary’s Hair Design). Rosemary lovingly recreated the Bluemont Train Station, and was an engaging presence in Bluemont and the Fair for decades.

2022 Fair Dedication
The 52nd Bluemont Fair was dedicated to two people we lost that year who were enormously important to the Fair and to our community.
Evelyn Johnson, a founder of the Bluemont Fair, lived in Clayton Hall—which represented her on the sleeve of the Fair t-shirts.
Henry Plaster was on the Fair committee for years and helped save the Lake Store; his barn graced the front of our shirts.
We dedicated the 2022 Fair to Henry and to Evelyn.

2021 Fair Dedication
In 2020-21 we lost two women who were important to Bluemont and the Fair. The 51st Bluemont Fair was dedicated to them both.
Natalie Evancheck was a committee chair who lent her talents to the Snickersville Academy and the Plaster Museum.
Betty Potter was a past Fair Chair who also ran Admissions and the Art Show.
These were two strong and beautiful women who gave graciously to our village.
On the sleeve of that year’s t-shirt we had a sunflower to represent Betty, and a sun to represent Natalie. Those of us who knew these amazing women are reminded of them each time we pull out this shirt.

2019 Fair Dedication
The 50th Bluemont Fair was dedicated to two long-time Bluemont residents who both contributed much to our community.
Clyde Beck lived in the village for many years. He was heavily involved in the early days of the Bluemont Fair, and he designed the iconic sketch of the village of Bluemont that was used on the first Fair posters. (You can still buy a signed copy in the EE Lake store today!)
Pam Forbes was also a local artist; she lived on a farm in our area for over 40 years. She helped run the Art in the Foothills annual sale, one of the main fundraisers used to raise money to save and restore the Snickersville Academy.
The paintbrush on the sleeve of the 2019 Bluemont Fair t-shirts represented both of these artists, and has been visual reminder of how much we miss them in our community!

2018 Fair Dedication
In 2018 the 49th Bluemont Fair was dedicated to two Bluemonters who supported the village and the Fair through the years.
Lifelong resident Martin Mitchell gave up his front yard to the Bluemont Fair every year. He was the keeper of Bluemont stories going back decades. Once when someone asked him if he was planning on taking a vacation that summer, he replied, ““What’s the use of going when you’d rather be in Bluemont?” And that was the tribute we printed for Martin on our shirt sleeve!
George Sweet was the Treasurer of the BCA and Bluemont Fair, and he was a family man dedicated to his wife Marian and daughter Stacey. Stacey has Down Syndrome, so in George’s honor, we included the Down Syndrome Awareness ribbon on our sleeves that year.

2017 Fair Dedication
In 2017 we lost two people who were significant to Bluemont and the Fair. We dedicated the 48th Bluemont Fair to them.
Susan Fries Falknor was a leader of the Friends of Bluemont who helped raise money to restore the Snickersville Academy—the log cabin that was the first school in Bluemont. Susan was also pivotal in documenting the stories and history of our beloved village. The cabin on our t-shirt sleeve represented Susan.
We also lost Michael Potter, our neighbor who ran Admissions for the Bluemont Fair. Michael was a scientist and amateur astronomer, so was represented by the stars above the cabin on the sleeve.

2014 Fair Dedication
In 2014 we lost Zora “Mac” Brownell. She lived on one of Loudoun’s last big dairy farms, and gave her life to volunteer efforts across the county—including being one of the organizers of the first Bluemont Fair. Along with her husband Jim, Mac was owner of Whitehall Manor, site of a wonderful turkey dinner during the early years of the fair. Her dedication was noted as a dairy cow printed on the sleeve of the t-shirt. We dedicated the 45th Bluemont Fair to Mac.

2013 Fair Dedication
The 44th annual Bluemont Fair was dedicated to honoring our nation’s veterans. Bluemont is proud to be home to Boulder Crest Retreat for Military and Veteran Wellness, a 37-acre rural sanctuary for military warriors and their families to enjoy non-clinical, recreational therapeutic activities aimed at assisting their recovery.
2012 Fair Dedication
The 43rd Bluemont Fair was dedicated to all of the 42 Past Fair Chairs and the thousands of volunteers who, over the years, have dedicated countless hours to make the Bluemont Fair the success it has become.
2011 Fair Dedication
The 42nd Bluemont Fair was dedicated to Ruth Holland, a long-time Bluemont resident, community leader, Boy Scout volunteer, Bluemont Fair volunteer, Bluemont Citizens Association member, and dear friend who passed away earlier this year. Ruth was a devoted wife and mother, and she touched the lives of countless individuals who needed her special attention to overcome the bumps in life, providing them with food, shelter, and love. Ruth will be missed greatly. Our fond and treasured memories of her were with us especially during 2011 fair. Ruth handled the Children’s Art for many years and we remembered her with a blue ribbon that represented the many blue ribbons she awarded at all those young artists.
2009 Fair Dedication
The 40th Bluemont Fair was dedicated to Anne Plaster, long time resident, volunteer, and community activist. She was instrumental in saving the EE Lake Store from deterioration, served as the Bluemont Citizens Association President and Secretary, and was hostess of the best holiday parties ever. Anne is deeply missed. We put a yellow ribbon on our shirts in remembrance of Anne.

2003 Fair Dedication
The BCA wished Cochran’s Lumber success in their new location in Berryville. We thanked them for their many years of generous support to the Fair and the community.
2002 Fair Dedication
The 33rd Bluemont Fair was dedicated to Jim Alexander, Charlie Dawson, and Bob McDowell, long-time volunteers for the Bluemont community and Bluemont Fair. The trees along the stone wall at the Bluemont Community Center are dedicated in their memory.